Three Reasons To Choose A Short Wood Rosary

Buying a rosary that features wooden beads and a wooden cross can be a decision that you appreciate daily. Having a rosary within reach throughout the day can remind you to take a moment to offer a few prayers, which can often make you feel better during times that are challenging. Wood rosaries have many different designs, allowing you to choose what type of wood you want and even what size of cross suits you. One decision to make is how long you want your rosary to be. Rosaries are sold in several lengths, and you may find that a shorter one is a better choice for you for these reasons.

Easier To Carry

The shorter your rosary, the easier it will be for you to carry in your pocket, purse, or elsewhere. Long rosaries have some advantages, but they can be on the bulky side. For example, if you have pants that have fairly shallow pockets and you wish to carry your rosary in one of these pockets, you may find that it doesn't fit very well. A shorter rosary will fit more easily into small pants pockets without filling them up. If you have a side pocket in your purse or backpack, a short rosary will be a better fit in these spaces, too.

Quicker Prayers

If you're the type of person who would rather say several short prayers a day than fewer long prayers, a short wood rosary can be a better choice for you. The shorter the strand of beads, the less time it will take you to move your fingers from the first bead to the last bead as you recite your prayers. If you like the idea of touching each of the beads during your prayers, rather than perhaps handling only a fraction of the beads, you'll want to choose a short strand.

More Affordable

There are a lot of factors that influence the cost of a wood rosary. However, when you look at a pair of rosaries that are made of the same type of wood and have the same overall features, you can generally expect that the shorter one will be more affordable to buy. This can be ideal if you need to keep within a certain budget for this purchase or if you're buying rosaries for a few important people in your life and you don't want to spend too much money. 

For more info, contact a local company that sells wood rosaries
